Course CENTURY Details
BETA Only applicable to institutions using the BETA release. Note that BETA documentation may be incomplete or contain errors.
Course CENTURY Details enables you to define course details that are synced with CENTURY as follows:
- Type of CENTURY entity to be created, such as Class.
- Academic Year for the course. Note that this is restricted to active academic years and defaults to the year that overlaps the course dates.
Name and Description defaults to the descriptions of the Course and Course Code, or the calendar occurrence if the description has not been populated.
Tutor Group shows tutor groups linked to the selected course occurrence.
Active defines whether the record is active.
Actions you can perform:
Add a new record: select the Type, Name, Description, Tutor Group, and whether the record will be Active. Then, select
. -
Update or delete an existing record: select the link in the Type column. For example,